What Happens if a 6 or 7 Year Old Watches Something Like Pornography?

Question by JBD: What happens if a 6 or 7 year old watches something like pornography?
How does it affect them psychologically? Or if they watched a horror movie full of murders and blood and gore.

Would the effects be long-term??

And no I don’t have kids nor plan on doing this, haha, I’d just like to know.

Best answer:

Answer by Douche Bag
For one thing, they start humping their pillow.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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London Film Festival 2013

Filed under: free online pornography addiction help

He plays a young Catholic lothario who, despite his success with the ladies, is addicted to porn. Left emotionally void and running off to confession every week, his travails make for a film that's smart, edgy and hilarious. LFF veteran Alexander Payne …
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