Tyler’s Light- a Story of Addiction and College Sports


Tyler’s Light- A Story of Addiction and College Sports – Tyler Campbell was just 23 years old when he died of a heroin overdose. He was a high school football standout, big brother of two and an overachiever in all facets of life. “He was a fun-loving kid,” his father Wayne said. “He loved sports. He would have a ball in the driveway waiting when I came home from work everyday.” Campbell excelled at Akron his first two seasons and even earned a scholarship. His parents found out he was addicted to pain killers. Tyler was sent home from shoulder surgery in 2009 with Percocet, to help ease the pain. The Percocet became a crutch and Tyler started taking the pills non-medically. As Tyler’s parents started realized that his addiction was expanding and the outpatient program was not sufficient, they sent him to a rehab program at Glenbeigh, an affiliate of Cleveland Clinic, in June of 2011. He left the one-month program feeling optimistic. “He talked about his future,” his mother said. “He wanted to put it all behind him. He came home and said, ‘I weigh 225 pounds,’ which for him was more weight than usual. He was muscular and looked so good. He was staying busy while he was at Glenbeigh.” Tyler rode home from Glenbeigh with his mother and they spent the day together. His father spent a half hour with him after returning from the rehab facility and said he looked like his old son again. The first night home, July 21, 2011, Tyler was required to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. His mother wanted to go with him, but he told her


TeenSavers home drug testing hopes to tackle teen drug abuse before it's a

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

Each test comes with a parental support guide that provides pointers for how to approach the process of home drug testing with your kids, as well as free 24/7 support for parents who need answers on drug classifications, recognizing the signs, or …
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Campaign against drug abuse begins at home

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

The police are doing their part in running campaigns and raising awareness about the dangers of using drugs, but the first and best education on the subject begins at home. Parents must take time out to teach children about the ill effects of drug …
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On the home front against drug abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

Our teens are especially susceptible to the dangers of prescription drug abuse because prescription drugs, often found in the family medicine cabinet, are easier to access than street drugs. Teens who abuse prescription drugs predominately abuse …
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