abuse substances

Neil Young – Needle and the Damage Done (Live at Farm Aid 1995)


Neil Young – Needle and the Damage Done (Live at Farm Aid 1995) – Neil Young performs “Needle and the Damage Done” at the Farm Aid concert in Louisville, Kentucky on October 1st, 1995. Farm Aid was started by Willie Nelson,…


Lawmakers float new plan on drugs in… Continue reading

Substance Abuse?

Question by sendzik04: substance abuse?
Can someone please tell me why substance abuse happens

Best answer:

Answer by Pookeygirl
There are many factors contributing to substance abuse. Genetic predisposition is one. If your parents were addicts, you are at higher risk.
Chemical imbalance in the brain can cause addiction.… Continue reading

Arizona Drug Abuse: If You Are Dealing With a Drug Addiction, Consider Drug Rehabilitation and NeuroFeedback

The path that led you to where you are now may have started out fun; now, it is in control of your life.

Perhaps you are the one with the problem, or a loved one is addicted to or abusing substances. Often the addict does not recognize the problem, or… Continue reading