Prescription Drug Abuse Becoming Bigger Issue

Prescription drug abuse becoming bigger issue
ILLINOIS — Prescription drug abuse is an ongoing problem in Central Illinois. ILLINOIS — Prescription drug abuse is an ongoing problem in Central Illinois. Getting money to help abusers fight the habit is getting harder. Drug prevention experts say, over …
drug abuse – Bing News

Drug abuse dangerous – no matter where you are
We must continue determined anti-drug enforcement and uphold our zero-tolerance stance towards drug abuse. The NCADA’s 2013 Youth Perception Survey has shown that while our youth view drugs and drug abuse negatively, the older ones are more likely to …
drug abuse – Bing News

The Lethal Sides of Drug Use, Trafficking and Economic Derail
Although human consumption of psychoactive substances is as old as human civilization itself, the concept of problematic drug use has been primarily a child of the past century and the industrialised world. Yet, with increasing globalisation, combating …

Hatboro-Horsham talks prescription drug abuse
On April 26, the Hatboro-Horsham police will host their fifth drug take-back event, where residents can safely discard unwanted prescription and over-the-counter drugs. In the leadup to that event, police will install a permanent lock box outside their …
Read more on The Midweek Wire

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