MARR Outcome Study (Addiction Treatment)


MARR Outcome Study (Addiction Treatment) – Every year, MARR conducts an Outcome Study to measure our effectiveness and track trends with comparable programs. The 2009 Study draws data from the Assessment Department, the Men’s Center, the Women’s Center, TRADITIONS, Right Side Up and the Family Program. While one may not normally think of numbers and studies as particularly thrilling, this year’s outcomes have really given us some news to be excited about.


Study: Unkindness linked to alcohol, drug abuse in black populations

Filed under: drug abuse treatment outcome study

… and drug use, but this study shows that there is significant relationship between this poor treatment and chronic substance abuse," says Haslyn E.R. Hunte, an assistant professor of health and kinesiology who studies health outcomes and discrimination.


Study finds reformulated ER Oxycodone abuse rates are significantly lower than

Filed under: drug abuse treatment outcome study

During the first 20 months following ORF introduction, it was abused significantly less than the original ER oxycodone when measured by 8 outcome measures, particularly through non-oral routes of administration that require tampering (such as injection …
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