
Question by Courtney V: Marijuana?
Why does dependence occur?
Why does addiction develop?
How does this drug effect school?

I need this info by next Wednesday. It is for a health project.

Best answer:

Answer by thesims707
Well maybe if you payed attention in class, you wouldn’t be asking us. Also just look up marijuana on google.

What do you think? Answer below!



klonopin vs.marijuana for anxiety – klonopin is addictive,and really does not help my anxiety disorders.i would like to see if weed could help me with my daily struggle with my nerves.


Medical marijuana dispensary headed for Plymouth

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

Medical marijuana dispensary headed for Plymouth … The MMM team includes former senior law enforcement officials, several medical professionals and others with, as Delahunt said, "years of experience dealing with drugs and addiction." Delahunt also …
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Smoke, lies and scapegoats

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

As the serpent hissed its lies to the kind man, reminiscent of the fall of man under Eve's Garden of Eden gullibility, the hiss of the promoters of medicinal and recreational marijuana is still in our ear and just as false. … The real prosecutorial …
Read more on Pueblo Chieftain