How Do You Feel About Drinking and Drug Abuse?

Question by Tori1315: How do you feel about drinking and drug abuse?
I am doing a alcohol and drug abuse awareness and I need people to answer the following questions:

1)How do you feel about drinking and drug abuse?
2)How are you affected by drinking and drug abuse?
3)How does that person who is drinking and doing drugs hurt you?
This is for a project at school!

Best answer:

Answer by Laura
I find drinking relaxing and understand that drug use doesn’t always equal drug abuse. Get your thit together sister.

Give your answer to this question below!



Prescription Drug Abuse


From Twitter:

RT @ExpressScripts: #Rx abuse is deadlier than cocaine and heroin combined. Can Big Data help fight the epidemic? #Infographic:… – by BSHoover (Brittany S Hoover)


From Twitter:

#elementary man Jonny Lee Miller is fantastic in this episode. recounting his sobriety and angst over drug abuse. – by Borganstein55 (Björn)


From Twitter:

You like a drug, & this substance abuse I get high just thinking of you – by OBEY_yaHighness (Mike Loverstein)