Hollywood’s Drug Addiction Problem


Hollywood’s drug addiction problem – Why do so many celebrities seem to have addictions? Comedian and actor Adam Carolla, Dr. Drew and RadarOnline’s Dylan Howard weigh in. For more informaton pl…


Nonprofits consider partnership to house women recovering from drug addiction

Filed under: drug addiction

A potential partnership between two nonprofit organizations could provide some of the north country's only support for women recovering from drug addiction. North Country Freedom Homes Inc., Canton, and New Hope Transformation House Ministries, …
Read more on WatertownDailyTimes.com


Vt. drugabuse film spurs action

Filed under: drug addiction

Vermonter Bess O'Brien was surprised when 5,000 people showed up last fall for a 32-community statewide tour of her drug- abuse documentary “The Hungry Heart.” But the Northeast Kingdom filmmaker was more taken aback when an single aide to Gov.
Read more on Rutland Herald